Knee joint disease is a chronic degenerative disease caused by the destruction of the integrity of cartilage tissue and the structural changes of the underlying bone plate. The gradual pathological process gradually covers all the elements of the joints, resulting in significant impairment of motor function, reduced working ability, and even the cause of disability.
Orthopedic traumatologists are engaged in the treatment of knee joint disease. Timely diagnosis and effective orthopedic correction methods can achieve positive results even in the most severe forms of pathology.
How does arthropathy of the knee develop?
Knee arthropathy of the knee (gony from the Greek "knee") is a multifactorial disease. The list of causes that cause the development of the pathological process includes:
- trauma;
- Chronic trauma related to production factors or violation of the exercise system;
- Diseases (autoimmunity, inflammation, endocrine, blood vessels);
- Overweight, obesity;
- Inheritance of burden (mutation of the gene encoding type II collagen chain-the matrix of hyaline cartilage);
- Congenital dysplasia and joint disease;
- Hemophilia, frequent knee joint bleeding;
- Arthroscopic knee operation.
Long-term exposure to unfavorable factors can cause the knee joint metabolic process to be interrupted, cartilage tissue cell death, and the density and elasticity of hyaline cartilage decrease. As the protection of functional load is weakened, a compensatory response develops. In the adjacent area of the bone tissue, edge growth (osteophytes) appears, deforming the bone joints.
Progressive destruction causes inflammation of the lining of the joint and disrupts synovial fluid synthesis, which can exacerbate the destruction of cartilage. Therefore, its depreciation properties and functions will be reduced.
Symptoms of arthritis
The main complaint was dull pain in the right or left knee. After a long walk or strenuous physical activity, it will make you feel it first. Pain occurs when standing and going down stairs for a long time. As the degeneration process progresses, other symptoms will appear:
- Morning stiffness
- Periodic inflammation of the synovium (synovitis) and accumulation of joint fluid;
- Swelling, redness of the skin;
- Increased pain on the anterior internal articular surface;
- Tighten, make a crunching noise during exercise;
- Knee joint deformity;
- Limit the flexion and extension of the legs;
- Changes in walking stereotypes and impaired motor function;
- Development of X or O shape deformation.
The result of pathological changes is characteristic of the late stage, which can be joint closure and complete fixation (stiffness).
Who is at risk?
Knee joint disease is the most common form of osteoarthritis, accounting for 33. 3% of the total number of degenerative musculoskeletal diseases. It exists in all age groups. The most vulnerable to this disease:
- The elderly and the elderly;
- Menopausal women;
- People who have gained weight;
- Professional athletes;
- Patients who have undergone joint surgery or have congenital abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system.
Knee joint degree
There is 4 degree knee joint disease. When specifying them, consider the percentage of bone and joint degeneration:
- I-initial-<10%;
- II-The symptoms are exacerbated, 10-25%;
- III-The most obvious clinical manifestation, 25-50%;
- IV-terminal, >50% failure.
Knee joint disease can be primary or secondary. Primary (idiopathic) arthropathy caused by the aging of articular cartilage is more common bilaterally and is diagnosed in elderly patients. The secondary degenerative process is the result of trauma and pathological disorders. He is usually one-sided and can make his debut at any age.
Which doctor should I see?
Arthropathy (knee joint), its symptoms can develop slowly and unconsciously, which is why it is called a very insidious disease. Only by seeking medical help in time can the destruction of cartilage be prevented. The treatment of knee joint disease is the responsibility of orthopedic surgeons, traumatologists, arthrologists and sports medicine specialists.
Quotation from rehabilitation experts
Injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system can significantly reduce exercise levels and daily activity levels. Rehabilitation aims to maximize recovery and compensate for impaired or total loss of function. A multidisciplinary, comprehensive but at the same time personalized approach allows you to shorten recovery time. The clinic’s experts work hard to make patients take a responsible attitude towards the rehabilitation process and their health.
diagnosis method
In order to detect the structural changes of the knee joint, instrument diagnostic technology is used:
- Radiography
- Arthroscopy
- Ultrasonography;
- Computer tomography
- Scintillation scanning
- Nuclear magnetic resonance.
The introduction of magnetic resonance imaging into orthopedic practice has greatly expanded the diagnostic capabilities. The safe information visualization method allows you to make a detailed assessment of the state of bone joints and nearby soft tissue structures under almost all parameters:
- Hyaline cartilage;
- Subchondral bone;
- marrow;
- Medial and lateral meniscus;
- Cruciate ligament and collateral ligament;
- Synovium and synovial cavity.
An MRI image of the knee joint (with arthropathy) shows the presence of synovitis, bursitis, cysts, deformities, and intraarticular bodies. Therefore, tomography can completely replace radiography and other diagnostic research.
It is recommended to start treatment of knee joint disease as soon as possible. It pursues the following goals: reducing the progression of the pathological process, eliminating pain, restoring the consistency of the articular surface and achieving relief. There are 4 main treatment areas:
- Prevention (weight loss, injury prevention, orthotics, sports);
- medical treatement;
- Physiotherapy;
- Surgical correction.
The rehabilitation center successfully used complex drug-free treatments for knee joint disease. It includes dose loading on the joints, exercise therapy techniques, and physical therapy. Microwave therapy, electrophoresis, therapeutic exercises and manual therapy provide the greatest positive results.
The key to rehabilitation of patients with knee joint disease is physical rehabilitation. This is a set of measures aimed at preventing the development of pathological processes, reducing pain, eliminating edema, strengthening muscles around joints, normalizing local blood circulation, and maintaining and improving mobility.
The rehabilitation center actively adopts rehabilitation programs involving the use of modern technology and patented high-tech simulators. Develop a separate set of physical exercises for each patient. This takes into account age, general condition, lifestyle, physical ability, and degree of knee injury.
Neglected knee joint disease can have irreversible consequences:
- The affected limb is severely deformed and shortened;
- Ankle and hip joint diseases, spine problems;
- Persistent severe pain and drug dependence;
- Lose the ability to move independently;
- Disability.
In order to maintain health and prevent the stable development of the degradation process, you must follow simple rules:
- Follow a healthy lifestyle;
- Eat correctly and control the calorie content of food;
- Maintain a healthy weight and adequate physical activity;
- Protect your knees from injury and minimally invasive;
- Minimize the influence of harmful factors;
- Strengthen immunity;
- Strictly follow the squat technique when exercising;
- Treat inflammatory diseases in time;
- Even if your health is normal, you must undergo regular inspections;
- Choose comfortable shoes.
At present, it is impossible to completely cure knee joint deformity arthropathy. But this disease can be prevented. The most important thing is not to postpone preventive measures and see a specialist.